!Ven y estírate! !Expande tu respiración, alarga tu columna vertebral y llénate de energía
Para, escucha, reconoce.
Cualquier momento es bueno para iniciarse, reemprender o consolidar.
!Todo lo que necesitas está dentro de ti!
January 14, 2021
I want to remember three qualities that you treasure:
The emotion it moves the human being, emotions of all kinds that accompany us throughout life. Sometimes they bring us to a pleasant state, other times not so much, and there are also emotions that one would never have wanted to feel. Observing them, identifying them and allowing them to emerge is essential. Our education, culture, religion, family, trajectory ... And so many conditions create resistance and we do not express ourselves, we restrict ourselves, we accumulate, we contain ourselves and that over time can have consequences.
Be yourself It is the great task, when you let your emotions sprout you can know them, experience them, know what they are. Observing them produces suspicion, even haste or surprise… .Don't judge them. It is part of the process, you do not have to express an opinion, simply accept that you are a human being and sometimes there is no answer to which questions. That there is no answer is something that our mind cannot tolerate, let it be that way. But if you judge and identify yourself, nothing happens either, only that we are already in the hole, and the afflictions will not let you see clearly, but nothing happens, there is always a new opportunity to train.
The day you trust the technique or it just happens that you look from your institution, your conscience, from your neutral, impartial witness, a generous, forgiving, fresh vision develops that at first is not usual. It is a look with the necessary perspective to understand why they arose and feel relief or not understand and continue to feel relief, a knowledge and understanding is generated for oneself, you are a human being. Nothing happens.
It is at that moment when a government arises, you are in a safe and solid position to be more free: BE YOURSELF. When you are yourself and you reconcile with emotions, great power is manifested; to empower: a great force that arises from the understanding for oneself, from compassion for you, and it is possible to be simpler, more consistent, more harmonious, less critical, clearly better. That strength gives you your confidence and you carry out projects, illusions and dreams knowing that the path towards it is the great jewel, the path of your present: Here and now.
Everything is generated from the expression itself, opening the window and letting the air pass. One is purified, cleansed and one has been emptied, leaving free space to host new experiences and illusion, in that brightness enthusiasm is born.
The enthusiasm it is directly related to purification, to cleanliness, to the space ready to collect. Directly related to attitude, it has to do with happiness, joy, restlessness. Enthusiasm is born in the present moment, making you more aware that each day is a new opportunity, each inspiration and each exhalation a "chance" to abandon what you do not need. To get rid of the backpacks we carry. The sacredness of the simplest things is manifested, and there the enthusiast enjoys the simple, even with difficulties, savoring his awakening, his shower, sitting in the car and starting off. At each step the enthusiast sees a new opportunity and is greatly grateful for everything.
Angela, a living voice at the service of people.
"Beyond the technique you have to have something to say"
He has developed various styles, he is a versatile voice rich in nuances.
He trained in Belcanto with Flàvia Camacho, Toni Gubau and Maria Teresa Valls. In modern with Bibi Berg.
He carries out two record projects: "I found you" and "What happened to you, baby."
He has developed various styles, he is a versatile voice rich in nuances.
At present he has a quartet of Jazz and Latin American music: Angela Suarez Cuartet. It is made up of the musicians: Ombú Conforti, Josep Buch and Salvador Toscano.
He also offers a lyrical duet with the pianist Míriam Marí Sanz.
He collaborates as a soloist in L´Orfeó de Sant Vicenç de Montalt and the Cor Cantir d´Or.
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