An early approach to music and photography leaded me to Llotja Advanced School of Arts and Design of Barcelona in which I was graded in Applied Arts on 1996 and where I developed talents for plastic expression, creative thinking and a broad perspective of man’s dimension in relation to his environment.

Winner of two prizes in the 16th Malaga Film Festival for the Photography and the Editing of Isabel Coixet's Feature Film "Ayer no termina nunca" I started in 2004 as Fine Art Photographer and Video-Artist, followed by filming and editing several documentaries, commercials and short films for music, dance, theater, fashion or fiction, and ended up being Director of Photography and Editor for feature films, documentaries and TV series by the internationally recognized film director Isabel Coixet.

As a Cinematographer, my palette conforms organic and evocative universes inspired by paintings in which I identify the emotional power that I feel convenient to build every scene of the film.

As an Editor, I dive into the story reflexive, serene and nostalgic, with a deep respect on the characters' emotional state and development, their actions and specially their silences. Always looking for the gateway to their metaphysical universe.


Ángela Suárez

¿Cómo estás viviendo a nivel personal y profesional las crisis sanitaria y económica que se han desencadenado con la pandemia de la covid-19?

¿Crees que es el final del mundo tal como lo conocemos? ¿Habrá un cambio de paradigma? ¿En qué?

¿Nos acercaremos más a la mente colectiva o crees que seguiremos anclados en los actuales esquemas de pensamiento individual?

Como fotógrafo y cineasta. ¿Cómo crees que va sufrir el sector la crisis?

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