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The reality of those who are worse off forces us to change our understanding of the crisis. It is making us discover the value of collaboration beyond hierarchies, social and economic classes, borders and ideologies.

In highly complex situations such as the one we are experiencing, the exit from the tunnel can only be reached collectively and immediately.

We know it and it is difficult for us to assume it since we are not in the habit of thinking like that; It happens to us with the climate and caring for the environment: we postpone solidarity, intelligent and effective actions over time. But now it is different, the virus does not give us a margin of time. Solidarity is both a cause and an effect of collective intelligence. With it we will achieve it.

We spoke with our friends from the world of film, music, performing arts lighting, ocean sailing, sustainable tourism, dance, yoga, seitai, humanistic psychology, knowledge, culture, and science.

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